Postmenopausal Ovarian Cysts – Causes, Risks and Treatments

While the majority of cysts that occur in the ovary do so in the premenopausal women, a small 17 percent of women can experience postmenopausal ovarian cysts.

These legions are quite different from those found in women still going through menstruation and can often pose a much greater risk. Below, you will find information on the causes, risks and treatments associated with cysts that occur during this period of a woman’s life.

Causes of Cysts in Postmenopausal Women

Women who are going or have been through menopause no longer ovulate so the legions that form in their ovaries are not the same as traditional ovarian cysts. Within the ovary of a woman there is the corpus luteum that is responsible for making the estrogen and progesterone, that is needed to maintain the inner lining of the uterus. While a postmenopausal woman can no longer ovulate, the corpus luteum continue to function and can sometimes fill with fluid causing cysts.

Risks of Postmenopausal Ovarian Cysts

One of the main risks associates with a cyst in a woman of this age is the tendency for them to be either benign or malignant tumors. Since they do not form like traditional cysts, the likelihood of them creating tissue filled tumors and being larger than regular Ova. cysts is much higher.

Detection and Treatment of OC´s in Postmenopausal Women

If a doctor thinks that you may be suffering from a cyst, they can perform a sonogram, transvaginal ultrasound exam or a series of blood tests to determine the size, type and nature of the cyst.

If it is decided that the cyst is benign, then the doctor may opt for hormone treatment to allow it to dissolve on its own. Malignant cysts and larger benign ones will likely be removed through surgery. Postmenopausal ovarian cysts can form and sometimes cause discomfort and in rare cases cancer. The information above can make you aware of these cysts and the risks they carry with them.

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