Symptoms of Keratoconus Eye Disorder

You may be surprised to know this disorder is very prevalent in societies across the world. Recent estimates place the incidence as one in five hundred. It is very important to be aware about Keratoconus or bulging eye disease. This is a condition of the cornea which inflicts teenagers. The cornea becomes weak and unable to retain its shape. The internal pressure of the eye displaces the corneal fibers resulting in a conical shape. This can manifest in different ways.

The Symptoms of Keratoconus Eye Disorder

  1. Rubbing of eyes: This is the most important hallmark of the malady. In fact some researchers feel rubbing causes Keratoconus. We may not go that far, but we know rubbing of the eyes is very common. People think it is induced by allergies.
  2. Frequent change of eye glasses: The vision changes often requiring newer prescription for spectacles.
  3. High astigmatism: The cornea changes from being shaped like a basketball to a football shape. The vertical and horizontal curvatures of the cornea are not similar.
  4. Inadequate eyesight in-spite of wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses: This fact irritates the patient and many a times confuses the doctor prescribing the eyewear.
  5. Poor grades at school: The teenager is not able to see well enough. This impacts what brain visualizes. Learning and memory can be impaired.
  6. Glare around lights: The lights appear flared and irritate the eyes.
  7. Difficulty at nighttime driving: This can be a life changer. Patients may have to give up driving and may therefore be at risk of losing their livelihood.
  8. Intolerance to contact lenses: The contact lens is not able to sit on the egg-shaped cornea. It may keep falling off or cause scratching of the corneal surface. The cornea becomes prone to infections and scarring. This can further decrease the vision.

If you or your kids are experiencing those symptoms the first thing to do is to get in touch with an eye expert. You should especially request that your cornea be analyzed for its shape and depth. Corneal shape can be analyzed by a color corneal topography machine. The thickness or depth of the cornea can be mapped by OCT Pachymetry analyzer. The results should be reviewed by a Keratoconus expert. An expert in Keratoconus is an eye surgeon who specializes in the management of Kertoconus eye disease.

The good news is that if the manifestations are recognized early, the progress of the disorder can be arrested.

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